Solarpunk Press print edition available for preorder!

The issues available are:

  • Riley Marigold and the Winged Lizards of Tel Aviv by Kayla Bashe
  • The Daisy Haunt by Claudie Arseneault
  • Out of the Storm by Ian O'Reilly

They'll be available until December 7, when we'll be closing the preorder, printing them up and sending them out. (We're trying to make sure we get it done in time for folks who want to order it for a Christmas present.) (Also, if this goes well,* in the future we'll be making sure to have it available often enough to make the deadline for other gift-giving holidays.) 

We're going to sell up to 50 to manage the amount of envelope assembly we'll have to do if this blows up, but if this does go that well, it pretty close to definitely won't be the last time we put these up.

*Don't worry: By "if it goes well," we mean "If it turns out to be something we can manage from an administrative level with the staff and time we have," not "If nobody buys these we'll never do it again."